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Women's Champ

When shit happens....

Last week as I joyously walked to the car headed to work, I stepped in dog poop. GREAT, just great I thought. What a disgusting drag to clean up after someone else's negligence. Usually, I attempt to see the bright side to a situation. But, I must admit that I was highly annoyed by the inconsiderate neighbor that did not pick up after their pet.

Isn't that life? Most if not all of us have been dealt some shit as a result of someone's carelessness. At times, we have even been those people to dish it out. What I find is that as unpleasant as it is, we still must clean the mess up. Otherwise, our attitude and behavior will consistently reflect the residue of shitty experiences.

It will take some work trying to wipe away those stinky experiences. Be it through prayer, counseling, positive affirmations, or what have you it will take some time. My method for that mess was Clorox wipes. I wiped and wiped and wiped and it seemed like that poop would never leave my boots. (Check out the photo taken unbeknownst to me by my petty husband.) Eventually, most of it came off but there was a bit of residue left. As are those unpleasant moments we have gone through.

Keep reading along with me. I have plenty of shitty stories to tell as I continue to "wipe off" undesirable encounters in my life. I just happen to choose writing as a means to aid in the cleaning up of those experiences.

Until next time. Be safe and Be GREAT!

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